Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies;
Promoting Success for All Students through Technology
Chapter 9, “Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies,” focuses on presenting and sharing information through the use of multimedia and digital technologies. Multimedia learning happens when multiple media are use to communicate information. Examples are text, data, picture, and video. A multimedia classroom integrates multiple technologies for teaching and learning. Using PowerPoint effectively involves two information presentation design principles: (1) active participation rather than passive viewing, and (2) recognizing who the audience is and what they should leave the room knowing or remembering. Video viewing can be passive unless teacher create opportunities for students to interact with whats happening on the screen. Students at all grade levels can learn academic content by making their own digital picture books and digital videos. Teacher and student-made podcasts and vodcasts generate opportunities for learning through listening or viewing presentations, discussions, demonstrations, and summaries.
Chapter 10, “Promoting Success for All Students through Technology,” examines computer technologies. Today’s schools are filled with diverse student populations. Culturally and linguistically diverse learners include African American. Latino, and Native American students, students with special educational needs, and students learning English as a new language. All students benefit from a wide and varied range of educational experiences that may be reached through differentiating instruction. A universally designed classroom using technology involves changing the classroom learning environment and/or changing the ways curriculum is delivered. Assistive technologies are tools that make academic material more accessible to students by minimizing barriers while maximizing opportunities for learning.
Part B (20 Points) Select 5 words and/or phrases of your choice from each chapter pages 240 AND pg 270.
- document camera: projects whatever is beneath it to a larger screen, Ex: Elmo
- graphic design: how images are arranged
- webcast: streaming of video and audio simultaneously on the internet
- concept books: feature photographs on specific topics all related to the same category
- storyboarding: outlining a story by scenes
- assistive technologies: devices that make it possible for disabled students to complete activities such as their nondisabled peers and be included in the general education classroom
- differentiated instruction: when teachers create different activities to meet the learning needs of all students
- accommodations: adding supports for students with IEPs while they are still completing the same assignments as their peers
- modifications: reducing the complexity or rigor of assignments
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